Here are some of the questions I had: (1) What methods for evaluation are you using to determine effectiveness? (2) Were any expectations tied to the teacher evaluation? (3) Were teachers expected to include aspects of constructivism and technology in their own growth plans? (4) What worked in terms of leadership? Principal leadership? District leadership?
I was very impressed with your presentation and enjoyed the refreshing ideas regarding professional development. I like that you got the converstation started and let the teahcers work it out. How powerful. I am hoping to do the same at our school - on our PD team. We will keep you posted. Thank you for sharing!
Here are some of the questions I had:
(1) What methods for evaluation are you using to determine effectiveness?
(2) Were any expectations tied to the teacher evaluation?
(3) Were teachers expected to include aspects of constructivism and technology in their own growth plans?
(4) What worked in terms of leadership? Principal leadership? District leadership?
Thanks, Joe
I was very impressed with your presentation and enjoyed the refreshing ideas regarding professional development. I like that you got the converstation started and let the teahcers work it out. How powerful. I am hoping to do the same at our school - on our PD team. We will keep you posted. Thank you for sharing!
Joseph - I finally got around to answering your questions in the previous post. Please see my comment there. Sorry for the delayed response.
Leah - thanks for the kind words. If you're willing to share, where do you teach?
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